Friday, December 1, 2017

6th Grade Pop Art Unit Project # 1

6th Grade for me is hit and miss... with one class I hit everything, and with the others I only get to accomplish 3 projects. I have two different types of 6th grade classes, one is a semester, every day, 40 minutes. The other is 9 weeks, every other day, 40 minutes. So there is a HUGE difference in the types of projects and the volume of projects I can accomplish with each class.

My semester class is still in its toddler years, as it is only my second year having it. I am constantly on Pinterest looking up new projects. This year I decided to do Pop Art as a unit with three different projects, 3 different artists: Keith Haring, Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein.

Project # 1:
Students begin by viewing a powerpoint about pop art and the artist Keith Haring. They watch this short video about pop art which is embedded into my ppt. 

We talk about Keith Haring and view his artwork. 

After the students take notes, I put on this video while I pass out 3 pipe cleaners to each student.

We take our three pipe cleaners
and turn them into one of these:
we use the little pipe cleaner person to create different positions of the body and make 8 different gesture drawings

They then choose one gesture drawing and turn it into a 'bubble person' 
Students are given a 12x18 piece of drawing paper.
 They begin by creating a border around the edge of their paper (they trace the ruler around the edge) 
They then draw their 'bubble person' nice and big in the middle. 
We talk about contour lines and students create contour lines again and again around their person to fill the space inside their border. 
They are instructed to draw a simple pattern in the border and then they are ready to begin adding color. 
We use oil pastels to add color to their project. The figure is silhouetted in black and the remainder of the colors are completely up to the student. 

Project # 2 coming up next.....


  1. This is a cool lesson. Last year I did something similar with 7 & 8th grade. There had to draw 12 different Keith Haring drawing using a handout out I made with all of Haring's usualand appropriate characters. They were left only outlined in black ultra Sharpie. Then they had to choose 1 of their designs and make it 3D - a foil character covered with plaster cloth on a cardboard base also paper mâchéd with plaster cloth. It was left white by covering the entire small sculpture with white tissue paper & watered white glue. I had them draw several of Haring characters on the base. They turned out cool. A couple that stand out were a man riding a porpoise & a man walking a dog. I think having the kids create 2D & turning into 3D makes them visualize art. Your lesson is awesome. Lorie in Phoenix, AZ

    1. Thanks for sharing, I’ll try something like that the next semester! It sounds like it really made an impact on their learning and they always love 3D!!
